Senin, 25 Mei 2015

May, 21st: Looking For Public Sphere and Space Thought

BY HMI Komisariat Fisipol UGM IN , , , , No comments

Tauchid Komara Yuda
Ketua Bidang Litbang HMI Komisariat FISIPOL

In line with the principles of good governance, recognition of social rights is an essential component as a pillar of democratic values. Guaranteed public space for citizens is one form of the implementation of the social rights. Public space itself is essentially very diverse, which is in essence the space functioned as an arena where people can get their rights as citizens of an independent country, free of hegemony and the interests of any political bias. The question then arises, whether these spaces are available today? 

In Indonesia, problems of public spaces, especially public culture is still not free from elements of politicization. The media, as a vital agent forming a public culture in fact has not been able to present their social rights over public space. Knowingly or not, whatever the media proclaimed the information content, although the form of manipulative though, claim the media as a public space still gets its legitimacy in the community. This could happen because of the social contract in which the public has given a mandate to the profession of journalism as an agent informant with indipendently, accuracy, and objectivity. Ironically, the mandate is often misused in order to pursue individual interests. As the opinion of a layman, 2014 post-election political party in television appearances increasingly prevalent. Though clearly the broadcasting law number 32 of 2002, article 5 letter i mentioned, the purpose of broadcasting is to provide information that is correct, balanced, and responsible. Furthermore, article 36 paragraph 4, that broadcast content must be maintained neutrality, should not put the interests of certain groups. Reinforced article 5 g, regarding the prohibition to monopolize ownership of broadcasting frequencies. But that was in Indonesia, disease squat moral, law suddenly may not move.

Keep in mind, the initial redistribution of frequencies to the private sector aimed to answer the question of centralized, thus opening access to operationalization to the general public for the purpose of managing the frequency with which educate the children of the nation constitutional mandate. But whether one's perception or how, the frequency of these elements are arbitrarily claim her right to privacy, but actually the frequency is limited resources and the status "belongs to the people". If you have this, the problem is the same, that in the era of centralized public space constrained in the stability of the country, are now locked in commercial husk.

In response, a contemporary German philosopher, Jurgen Habermas argues that today has been a phenomenon in which the public space transformed into an exclusive part of the private sphere. Institutions solely initially only publish the news, began to become news makers.

It is fitting into our reflection together. Era reform was hailed as a new hope, finally had vanished because unfettered by pretense. Public opinion has been imprisoned by interests. Public opinion is no longer to build solidarity, but to compete. Fanaticism sporadically scattered everywhere. Climate taunted each other, attacking each other, even ethnocentric back issues linked to social prejudice. As occurs in social media today, will be very easy to find libel refers to ethnicity, race, religion in particular. That is reflected in the era of media to this day. Opinion into a fictitious unity for public opinion still loved tyranny faced polite.

If learning to history books, the real independence of Indonesia starting from an empty space that was never colonized. The space is nothing but a "mind". Enlarged mind along with the hope of imagination and longing of the public spaces. The second room is an opportunity, where the status-quo before the events of independence has been a silent witness when thoughts are successfully incorporated into the dialogue space both in radio and newspapers with the word "independent". The historical romance has now ended. Now it's time we reunite with full consciousness to overthrow the invisible empire that shackle our public spaces.

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